Our work in Cameroon

We’re preventing mother-to-child syphilis transmission through the screening and treatment of pregnant women in Cameroon.
Through our technical assistance, we’re supporting the Cameroonian government in implementing a dual HIV/syphilis test and syphilis treatment during routine prenatal care. We helped the government integrate the dual test in 2023, and then began scale-up in August 2024, with the aim of reaching over 580 facilities serving ~45% of pregnant women attending prenatal care services in 2025.
We’re targeting over 90% syphilis screening coverage and at least 70% treatment coverage by 2026. Our goal over the next decade is to support the government in reaching at least 7.7 million pregnant women with syphilis testing and at least 280,000 infected women with treatment, reducing newborn death and disability.

Our work in Cameroon is designed to save lives by preventing mother-to-child transmission of syphilis.

Our Partners
We support implementation of maternal syphilis screening and treatment in collaboration with Cameroon's Ministry of Public Health, Clinton Health Access Initiative and the World Health Organization.