A Note from CEO Kanika Bah
We're proud to announce that our expansion of Dispensers for Safe Water in Uganda and Malawi is complete! We doubled our footprint over the last 15 months, thanks to the tireless work of our country, regional, and global teams who, despite challenges, kept to an ambitious timeline. We've installed 12,161 new dispensers in Uganda and 12,296 in Malawi - and are therefore now servicing a total of 52,000 dispensers across Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi. We're now providing 9.8 million people with access to safe water! Our impact on these communities is tremendous - resulting in many young lives saved in the coming years.
We also have big news from our maternal syphilis team: training for syphilis screening and treatment is complete at nearly every single health facility in Liberia! This means we've achieved national scale-up with the low-cost dual HIV/syphilis test after only 1.5 years, through our close partnership with the Ministry of Health. As we begin to scale up in Zambia and Cameroon next, we'll be tracking our progress in Liberia, including to estimate how many adverse birth outcomes are prevented and lives are saved. Here's a sneak peek of the program's reach so far:
- 340,000 pregnant women tested for syphilis
- 6,100 syphilis-positive pregnant women treated
In our work, we have to move fast, because lives depend on it. But we can't do it alone. This level of rapid growth is only achievable with the commitment of supporters like you, who believe in using evidence-backed solutions to save lives and improve global well-being.
Thank you,
Kanika Bahl, Chief Executive Officer
Evidence Action in the news
Elie Hassenfeld on two big picture critiques of GiveWell's approach, and six lessons from their recent work
80,000 Hours Podcast with Rob Wiblin features GiveWell CEO Elie Hassenfeld, who talks through GiveWell's support of Evidence Action's efforts to improve screening and treatment for syphilis among pregnant women and watertreatment programming.
How to Change a Life for 50 Cents
Nicholas Kristof's New York Times column, which highlights the benefits of treating parasitic worm infections, links to Evidence Action's Deworm the World program, noting that children can receive life-changing treatment for about 50 cents each.
On the evolution of Square Banking with Christina Riechers:
Tearsheet Podcast interviews Christina Riechers, Evidence Action board member and former Director of Global Programs and Director of Business Development and Strategy.
Come work with us
Here are a few positions we’re hiring for within our global teams. There are many more where these came from — to see all current openings, visit our careers page.
Associate Director, Philanthropy and Partnerships, Washington, D.C.
Deputy Director, HR, New Delhi, India
Associate Director, People & Culture (Africa Region), Nairobi, Kenya
Associate Manager, Finance, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Associate, Analysis and Operations, Nutrition, Washington, D.C.
Community Service Assistant, In Line Chlorination, Iganga, Uganda
Senior Associate, Strategy, Washington, D.C.
Deputy Director, Monitoring, Learning & Evaluation, New Delhi, India
Senior Program Associate - Water, New Delhi, India
Meet the Team

Andrew Onyango, Senior Manager, Communications, Africa Region
Andrew just joined our global communications team from Nairobi, Kenya! With over a decade of communications experience — in various industries, including in entertainment, e-commerce, bilateral trade, tech, and development — Andrew will focus on shaping our communications strategy for the Africa region. He’s excited to support the flow of information across our teams, standardize communications processes, and help everyone be effective at doing their best work.
Andrew studied mass communications and counseling psychology. He’s curious about historic contexts in stories, the evolution of technology, and how human interactions change with every generation.