First Podcast Episode: GiveWell’s Response to USAID Funding Cuts

So one example is GiveWell has funded Evidence Action to carry out programs designed to prevent the transmission of syphilis from mothers to babies - syphilis can cause stillbirth or neonatal death if babies are born with it, or if their mothers have it. And so this program looks like helping governments use a test that tests for both HIV and syphilis during prenatal visits, instead of just HIV, and then providing treatment for mothers if they test positive for syphilis.

The reason that these kind of programs could be affected by US government cuts is because PEPFAR, which is a vehicle that directs about $5 billion dollars in US funding toward HIV AIDS program has also been helping support the purchase of these dual tests and training healthcare workers to be able to use those commodities appropriately.

So we have recommended funding for about $150,000 dollars for Evidence Action to be able to take over training healthcare workers on how to use these commodities that have already been procured in partnership with the government of Zambia. And I think it's possible that we could consider other either training or commodity procurement gaps for programs like that.

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